Long ago, when I started on this code base that my department now watches over, I wrote a utility called fluff, akin to lint, which would look for naughty constructs in code. I think it originally would look for things like single-character variable names that weren't $i or $n.
It's grown and evolved over time. Now we add things like using modules that we've out grown (CGI.pm, Array::Iterator), or using a no_plan in our tests. Plus, last night I made it so that you can select what you want to fluff on from the command line.
Here's the code if anyone wants to steal, or have any suggestions.
use strict;
use File::Find;
use Data::Hash::Totals;
use List::Util qw( max );
use Getopt::Long;
=head1 TODO
All .ttml files should be twcollapsed
my %getopt_options = ( help => sub{ help(); exit; } );
my %checks;
for my $opt ( possible_errors() ) {
my $tag = $opt->[0];
$getopt_options{$tag} = eval qq/ sub { \$checks{"$tag"} = 1 } /;
GetOptions( %getopt_options ) or exit 1;
# Set all options on if none are explicitly set
if ( !%checks ) {
%checks = map {($_->[0],1)} possible_errors();
my %errors;
if ( @ARGV ) {
process_file($_) for @ARGV;
} else {
find( \&handler, "." );
my %totals;
my $nerrors = 0;
for my $pe ( possible_errors() ) {
$totals{$pe->[1]} = 0 if $checks{ $pe->[0] };
for my $errstr ( sort keys %errors ) {
print "$errstr\n";
my @errors = @{$errors{$errstr}};
print " $_\n" for @errors;
print "\n";
$totals{$errstr} = @errors;
$nerrors += @errors;
print as_table( \%totals );
printf( "%4d Total\n", $nerrors );
sub handler {
if ( -d ) {
$File::Find::prune = 1 if /\b(\.svn|CVS)\b/;
return unless /\.(css|tt|ttml|t|pm|php|phpt|html)$/;
process_file( $_, $File::Find::name );
sub process_file {
my $filename = shift;
my $displayname = shift || $filename;
open( my $fh, $filename ) or die "Can't open $filename: $!";
my @checks = grep { $checks{$_->[0]} } possible_errors();
while ( my $line = <$fh> ) {
for ( @checks ) {
my ($tag,$desc,$finder) = @$_;
if ( $line =~ $finder ) {
chomp $line;
push( @{$errors{$desc}}, "$displayname($.): $line" );
} # for
} # while
close $fh;
} # process_file()
sub help {
print "fluff [options] [files]\n";
my @pe = possible_errors();
@pe = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @pe;
my $max = max map { length $_->[0] } @pe;
for my $opt ( @pe ) {
my ($tag,$desc) = @$opt;
printf( " --%-*s %s\n", $max, $tag, $desc );
sub possible_errors {
return (
xxx =>
"XXXed things to be addressed later" =>
todo =>
"TODOed things to be addressed later" =>
review =>
"REVIEWed things to be addressed later" =>
no_plan =>
"no_plan" =>
commented =>
"Commented-out code" =>
'return-undef' =>
"Returning undef" =>
data =>
'Variables called "data"' =>
pathing =>
'Up-n-over pathing' =>
'ref-proto' =>
'ref proto || proto' =>
'mech-ok' =>
'Using ok() for mech content instead of $mech->content_like' =>
croak =>
'Croak, should probably be an assertion' =>
dumper =>
'Data dumper diagnostics' =>
ttml =>
'Calling TT process on a .tt file (not .ttml)' =>
'array-iterator' =>
'using Array::Iterator' =>
oci =>
'OCI calls' =>
'if-one-line' =>
'if and result on one line' =>
'else-one-line' =>
'else and result on one line' =>
using =>
'using CGI.pm' =>
qr/use CGI[^:]/
sqldo =>
'sqldo using vars, not binds' =>
Re:admirable discipline
petdance on 2005-02-18T22:15:16
Yeah, I thought about that before posting here.:-)
Not that I disagree with you, it's just that this apparently is a very controversial stand, in the Perl world. It's considered close to herecy to dis it, apparently.
Re:Outgrowing CGI.pm
petdance on 2005-02-19T15:52:02
We're using Template Toolkit now, not building tags on the fly like we used to.Re:Outgrowing CGI.pm
perrin on 2005-02-22T18:33:16
Controversial? People diss CGI.pm all the time. It's so slow and bloated that even the author thinks it should be replaced. There are plenty of good alternatives on CPAN, like CGI::Minimal, and mod_perl people typically use Apache::Request instead.Re:Outgrowing CGI.pm
petdance on 2005-02-22T18:56:03
We're using it mostly for tag building, anyway. For us "using CGI.pm" really means "not using templating."