We do plenty of web app testing using WWW::Mechanize. A typical .t file will look like:
my $startURL = $ENV{TWSMOKESERVER} or die "TWSMOKESERVER not set";
my $agent = WWW::Mechanize->new();
$agent->get( "$startURL/about_reading_programs.html" );
ok( $agent->success, 'got a page' );
like( $agent->title, qr/Reading Management Programs/, 'about reading programs page title' );
html_ok( $agent->content, 'about reading programs page HTML' );
So now we've started using a subclass, TW::Mechanize (TW is our app).
my $startURL = $ENV{TWSMOKESERVER} or die "TWSMOKESERVER not set";
my $agent = TW::Mechanize->new();
# make sure we get the about-reading-programs page
$agent->get( "$startURL/about_reading_programs.html" );
ok( $agent->success, 'got a page' );
$agent->title_like( qr/Reading Management Programs/, 'about reading programs page title' );
$agent->html_ok( 'about reading programs page HTML' );
At some point, we'll probably make that html_ok call part of every call that gets made.
Here's what TW::Mechanize looks like:
use strict;
use warnings;
use WWW::Mechanize;
use Test::More;
use base qw( WWW::Mechanize );
=head1 NAME
TW::Mechanize - The TW-specific mech subclass
use TW::Mechanize;
my $mech = TW::Mechanize->new;
$mech->get( $url );
The TW mech is a standard WWW::Mechanize, with TW-specific methods added.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
Standard Mech constructor.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %default_args = (
# None yet
my $self = $class->SUPER::new( %default_args, @_ );
return $self;
=head2 html_ok( [$msg] )
Checks the validity of the HTML on the current page. If the page is
not HTML, then it fails.
sub html_ok {
my $self = shift;
my $msg = shift;
my $ok;
if ( $self->is_html ) {
require Test::HTML::Lint;
$ok = Test::HTML::Lint::html_ok( $self->content, $msg );
} else {
$ok = fail( $msg );
return $ok;
=head2 title_is( $str [, $msg ] )
Tells if the title of the page is the given string.
sub title_is {
my $self = shift;
my $str = shift;
my $msg = shift;
return is( $self->title, $str, $msg );
=head2 title_like( $regex [, $msg ] )
Tells if the title of the page matches the given regex
sub title_like {
my $self = shift;
my $regex = shift;
my $msg = shift;
return like( $self->title, $regex, $msg );
1; # Happy
Re:Test module
petdance on 2004-04-21T13:49:32
Well, don't think I haven't thought about it.:-) I don't see it being a Test:: module, but maybe so. It wouldn't be part of Mech proper, because it would bring in too many requirements, and Mech is fat enough as is.
It's certainly an idea rolling around in my head....