brian posted his "Not to-do" list, but here's my to-do list:
- Clean my desk
- Remove all the old papers from my Franklin Planner
- Set up my SSH keys and ssh-agent properly so I don't have to be typing passwords all over the place
- Post a new oreillynet blog piece about heroes
- Update our financial status Excel sheet/graph
- Get dovecot IMAP server working
- Set up a non-spam-checking backup mail destination, so that I can...
- Turn on Postfix's use of RBLs
- Do a bunch of Devel::Cover runs on various Phalanx modules and post them on
- Talk proposals for OSCON and YAPC
- Mail some ideas to Graham about how can identify executables
- Get slide working properly, specifically handling POD style markup
- Add real tests to Test::Memory::Cycle
- Finish distributing Spoon's modules
- Write up something on about the CPAN testers mailing list
- Return that broken stereo to Amazon
To do, to do, to someday maybe really do
dws on 2004-01-19T05:01:26
The first two of those items, plus "clean my study", kept me busy (busy stalling and avoiding) for most of last year.
I can take a module or two ...
prakash on 2004-01-19T20:57:46
I am available and willing to take up the maintenance of some of spoon's modules. I have never maintained a CPAN module, but I am sure I can pick up whatever is needed with your and the community's help.
pudge on 2004-01-28T03:53:54
If you have Mac OS X, you want SSHKeychain to manage your ssh-agent. I wrote about it in some detail in my