Last weekend, Amy's cousin brought her boyfriend to Easter dinner. Turns out that he's a Perl guy who's done stuff on various sourceforge projects. We chatted about geekery and that was it.
So last night, we were at Amy's mom's house, and the conversation went something like this:
Glo, Amy's mom: What were you talking to Brian about? Computer something?
Me: Yeah, he's a Perl programmer, too
Glo: A what?
Amy: Perl, it's a programming language he uses. I don't understand either.
Me: Come on, you know some stuff! Who wrote Perl?
Amy: Randal?
Me: No.
Amy: Damian?
Me: No. Ok, maybe it hasn't rubbed off yet... But at least you knew the names!
Reabena knows who some of them are too, but she's actually a geek, so I'm not sure that it counts...
Me: No. Ok, maybe it hasn't rubbed off yet... But at least you knew the names!
Ah, she knows the truly important part, then.