Ripped Off?!

perlguy on 2003-06-09T13:07:31

So, over the weekend I got an email from someone who bought my latest book "Perl Database Programming" because it was listed on this site...

Note: I've removed the guy's name from the email to prevent any embarrasment...

The whole email follows:

Saw your ad on usePerl and bought your book.
Listing differ on website from those ( Ch. 2 ) in the book.

Yep, there are some changes

Listing 2.1 fails because you apparently no longer maintain the databases. (Err is: Unknown MySQL server Host '

Of course, that was just an example, I am not maintaining an open database connection for the whole world to use!

I am sick of being ripped off by fellow Christians.

Wow, I thought that this was VERY harsh and uncalled for. So, am I to assume that since the book is not perfect, I am ripping people off?! Also, the problem mentioned above about the database connection - is NOT a problem with the book.

You say it's a new book and the imprint shows 2003 and the website says 2 Oct 2002.

I said it was new? Where? My description of the book was VERY non-descriptive!

Where's the errata page? Line 8, page 25 spells "dbi::mysql" as dBi::mysql" for example.

You got me here! I have not done a good enough job and prepared an errata page for this book. I am sorry and will try to get one up in the very near future.

Can you help?

Sure, you insult me and accuse me of ripping you off, but can I help you?

Actually, since I *am* Christian and I *do* care - I would be happy to do what I can, within reason! No, I won't set up a server that the whole world can use, but I will do my best to get an errata page together for the book - it is long overdue.

I paid $40 for this on your usePerl say-so.

Actually, my usePerl post said "Go get it, or just send me a couple bucks and save yourself the reading!" - I would have preferred the cash :o)

Sorry for the rant, but this email just struck a nerve with me. Writing a book is a lot of work for little reward. Publishers also place some rigid demands and sometimes want unreal deadlines. This book was actually supposed to be in the "Bible" series, but they wanted it to be rushed to market much quicker than was possible, so a lot was cut.