Bye Bye by

perl6doc on 2010-05-02T19:46:29

I got 2 nice answers to my last post. One from seano++ improving the Perl 5, making it a realistic challenge between Perl 5 and 6 (things like: $content = do { local $/; open my $FH, "poetry.txt"; <$FH> };). The second came from damian++, improving the Perl 6 part, where I simply wasn't up to date with current Perl 6 syntax (for 15,*-2...1 -> $i {}). Immediately I took the "by" command out of Appendix A. I also added one thing to C - the prompt command, which eases talking with $*IN greatly (no extra print, no chomp). See the new improved Appendix C.

Best part of all this was the real participation from you. Hope we can write this way a real Perl 6 manual. After I tried to explain a friend what exactly the Perl 6 Tablets are he said: a manual, why you don't calll it that way. He is right, but I want a nice meaningful name and prevent name space collisions. Since there are several tutorials around and noone is the "official", a mark of distinction is certainly needed. Manual also resonates a bit with the "missing manual" series of OReilly. But I think Perl 6 should not miss his manual.