Fourteenth Issue of $foo Perl-Magazine

perl6doc on 2010-04-28T21:55:30

This magazine is for ambitious programmer and enthusiast. And it contains (guess what) a Perl 6 article of mine. Its about the current state of the project (third update), since the p6tut ended with part 8 nearly a year ago. Of course Rakudo * was the trigger, but because $foo has a release schedule with use stict activated, its now published anyway.

But when Rakudo * comes out, I will post here again, since there is another article for heise online in the pipe :).

And now to something completely different (not really). The mentioned 8 part p6tut is also in our wiki and for some time I brag that I will translate it one day. Truth is, i translated one pragraph in the TPF wiki but a few days ago Stephen Schaefer++ translated another paragraph.

Link Incorrect

vamped on 2010-04-29T03:42:49

The link seems to be a copy and paste from your last post. Perhaps you meant:


perl6doc on 2010-04-29T19:50:43

thank you,

I fixed it