first pass

perl6doc on 2009-07-11T07:40:38

As Hinrik already told, I give now Perl6::Doc into his hands, slightly improved than it was when I got it from Ingy's.

It's a strange feeling to me, because it's the first time for me, to give one of my software projects into the control of a fellow hacker. I'm realling not that good in letting go. But to be clear, Perl6::Doc had from the start just one purpose to me: to release *a* Perl module to get XP before releasing Kephra (0.4.2 will come soon i hope) to CPAN. This goal is met some time ago and I really can't manage Kephra and Perl 6 tablets and Perl6::Doc. I only kept maintaining it a bit, because nobody else wanted.

So released of some duties, expect an easy installable linux version of my favorite editor and more content in the tablets. For the first time the german version is now behind the english. it will take a day or two to sync it and than most propably incorporate missing bits from S32.

I have only one question to ask:

DiamondInTheRough on 2009-07-11T12:55:20

What do you think the difference is between Kephra and Padre?

Re:I have only one question to ask:

perl6doc on 2009-07-14T20:55:43

the projects are differently organised, padre is more happy hacking, i have in some area more stricness. padre started much later, kephra has more grown structures but massive refactorings you can see in both. padre used some kephra code but brought a lot of ideas im not willing to touch, at least now. They definitely move faster because they have more people (some talented), but that might change.

both have different goals (padre wants be a perl IDE, we want more innovation and dynamic stuff in perl and other editing), of cource padre did innovating with some var renaming and other stuff.

difference in approach: while padre people like to put lots into plugins i tend to more look into nice integration of all part and put only in plugin where i see sence in.

Re:I have only one question to ask:

perl6doc on 2009-07-14T21:01:47

kephra has also much less dependencies a different release cycle (there is always a stable kephra version), but padre has some more heavyweigt feature you woun't find in Kephra, while adding lot of things with last effort, the list is long .....

Re:I have only one question to ask:

DiamondInTheRough on 2009-07-14T21:19:52

That answers my question. Thanks.