After fixing some markup jitter in the german version of perl6tutorial (which Su-Shee found), I added new sections in Appendix B: (sigils and regex metachar). Thanks to Larry I know now that "|" is not a sigil (of the capture context) because it reduces informations.
But the real reason I post here: Appendix A and B now get more connection. From the start I added to each term in the index the name of its syntax category. Now i started to turn these addon info into links, which point to the according table in Appendix B. Its no real crosslink yet because I don't links back into appendix A. Most probably I will link from there into the, yet to be translated chapter(tablet 3-9), where links Appendix A too. Different to FOSWiki i can set everywhere invisible anchors in the document. So maybe there will be maybe chrosslinking.
While struggling with the limits of the different wiki markups, im happy that november wiki targets the MediaWiki syntax which works well in most cases, even with operator and special char laden languages like perl. (FOSWiki and Socialtext does not very well, you can't even have italic text in links in socialtext)
Still the structure evolves, but since the tablets get more substance, I hear it more often that u4x, grok and other docs will have it easier to build content, because the have in parts just to reformat stuff from the tablets.
a postscriptum to my last post: a colon is also used when converting numbers to a different base and as jump label suffix. Always indicating a relation in different context.