So as Ovid recently mentioned JSON (and JSON::XS) recently update themselves to support a common API. While admirable that will now use JSON::XS behind the scenes when possible … they both broke backwards compatability without warning or notice*.
This post however is not to bitch about spilt milk, it is to annouce that JSON::Any 1.14 is winging its way to CPAN and has 100% backwards compat with the old JSON::Any interfaces and so should “just work”. Note that currently 1.14 only supports 2.0+ of JSON/JSON::XS … if this turns out to be not enough I’ll add in the logic to detect which version of JSON is installed and do the right thing but I wanted to get something out there now.
(*) Now I did get an email after the fact stating that this was gonna happen. But this was two days after I got the first failure from cpantesters.