YAPC::NA 2006

pemungkah on 2006-06-30T06:38:34

This YAPC was far more intense than previous ones for me, both on the professional and the personal level - so much so that I've waited until getting home to try to blog about it.

I arrived Sunday evening - unfortunately too late for the arrival dinner. Or the anti-arrival dinner. In fact, I was so late that no one was willing to deliver food at all. The perils of routing oneself through O'Hare.

Chicago is an interesting town; a tad rough around the edges, and very much itself. I haven't stayed in doems since college, so I'd forgotten the dorm experience. As dorms go, the MSV dorms were quite okay. I gather that the SSV dorms were like living in concrete monk's cells. I was foresighted enough to take along a container of disinfecting wipes, which was nice to clean up around the shower and sink a little. I recommend it for anyone staying in a dorm.

The session were all very good this year, with some very cool stuff which I intend to start using and adapting as soon as possible:

  • Object::Trampoline, which uses one of the most wonderful pieces of subtle Perl I've seen in a while: an object that exists only for the purpose of replacing itself with something else as soon as it's called.
  • Test::WWW::Selenium, which wraps up the Selenium web testing platform in a handy Test::More interface. I intend to try grafting this into simple_scan as soon as I possibly can.
  • The Goo, a development environment which features a way of deciding "what do I feel like doing" (a couple problems installing, but I can work those out and send back some patches).
  • Jifty, yet another web app development platform, but this one looks a little less esoteric - not trying do hard to be "Perl on Rails". It installed a lot of interesting-looking prereqs as well; I'm planning on firing up Pos::Webserver::Source and reading a lot next week.
My presentations both went very well, though I think I may have been a little too high-energy in the Pluggability one, so I may have been off-camera a chunk of the time. Lots of interest in that; I'll need to finish off the final version and get it on CPAN soonest.

The simple_scan presentation went very well;. the jokes got laughs when they were supposed to, and the stories were well-recieved as well. I had someone come up to me and say that they'd come to my second talk because they'd been told that I was a good speaker, and that they were glad I did. Thanks very much, whoever you are!

I've spent more time on #perl this year, especially in the time leading up to the conference, and it was really great to meet the people that I did; I was also glad that I had good solid work to refer to this year. I feel like I've come a long way in the past two years.

Had a great time in the off-hours as well, with good conversation, and sharing MST3K with both old and new (hi, q!) friends.

More tomorrow. Time for bed.

Pluggability presentation slides or notes online?

ggoebel on 2006-06-30T14:02:51

Have you (do you intend to) put your presentations slides or notes online anywhere?



found them

ggoebel on 2006-06-30T14:06:33



jjore on 2006-07-05T21:39:50

Have you also seen Object::Realize::Later? They do the same thing.


pemungkah on 2006-07-05T23:40:43

Not yet, but I'll check it out.

And more...

DAxelrod on 2006-08-24T01:19:00

In addition to Object::Trampoline and Object::Realize::Later, there's Class::LazyLoad, and my own Class::LazyObject.

Hmmm.... I'm definitely going to have to write about why there are four different modules for this. Of course, whether or not that's a bad thing is a different discussion (I linked to that particular post because it presents the debate, not because I agree or disagree with it), but I also have some ideas about how we can pool our resources.

Thank you so much, I wouldn't have known about Object::Trampoline if you hadn't written about it.