CPANTS Weakness

pemungkah on 2005-11-21T22:31:25

It does suck when you add another module to CPAN, with everything in place just perfectly except "someone else is using this" ... and this makes your score drop.


Flip FLop

jk2addict on 2005-11-21T22:38:27

I'm on the other end. A module I'm taking over actually has other modules requiring it. Finally, I'll get above 17. :-) My only other option would be to write 44 new modules. :-)

Re: CPANTS Weakness

domm on 2005-11-22T07:43:08

There are very misty plans to resolve this problem. I'm still suffering of post-moving tuits-scarceness, but it seems that I'll have plenty of time in Dez/Jan.