And it's lovely. I bought a 500MHz TiBook from a friend for a stupidly small amount of money and it's just lovely.
Now to make the unix environment a bit more habitable. Does anyone know if I'll suffer by just dropping perl 5.8 in as /usr/bin/perl?
you'll suffer
wickline on 2002-12-12T12:25:45
This comes up frequently on
perl on macosx mailing list. Apple uses perl in some of their instal/update scripts and on occasion, it has been significant that they expect a specific version to be in that location. You're much better off using your own location.
As your mission is to make things more unixy, you'll probably want to check out
fink and possibly
finkcommander as well.
Multiple Perls
ziggy on 2002-12-12T17:51:22
The first thing I do with a new machine (Mac OS X or otherwise) is set up
/opt/perl to have a few builds of Perl (5.6.1 and 5.8.0).
I think I'll be refreshing /opt shortly to not build; it caused some brief problems recently when I updated /usr/bin/perl. (I also want to have a couple of versions with PerlIO and 64-bit int support for testing.)
Re:Multiple Perls
pdcawley on 2002-12-12T19:52:05
That makes sense. Thanks.