"Times are bad, ...

pdcawley on 2002-04-02T16:35:20

... the young no longer respect their parents. And everyone is writing a book
That was Cicero, he died in 43 BC. Plus ça change eh?

Times are bad...

TorgoX on 2002-04-02T20:21:50

Do you know what book he said that in? I'd love to track down the original Latin.

Re:Times are bad...

djberg96 on 2002-04-03T05:21:52

The quote is apocryphal. If you want the works of Cicero in Latin, you can look here. I couldn't tell you what manuscript they used, however.

Re:Times are bad...

TorgoX on 2002-04-03T06:15:08

So it's not in Cicero, so I shouldn't bother looking? Or "apocryphal" in the sense that it's in a part of Cicero's works that really isn't in the received editions.

Re:Times are bad...

djberg96 on 2002-04-03T19:24:29

Correction - the attribution is apocryphal. It's not in any of his (surviving) works.

Even if he *did* write it (in some work that didn't survive), I highly doubt it he invented it. It appears to me to be some sort of stock phrase, kind of like the modern "kids these days", or something to that effect.