Mailman has this concept of a URL that's associated with a domain. Unfortunately it's not possible to configure it through the interface, which on vhosted lists is really annoying. There is an impossible-to-remember incantation with an auxilliary script. Tired of looking this up and messing up the invocation here's a wrapper. Yeah, it's in perl.
use strict; use warnings;
# paulm, 2004-10-14 # Provide a pleasant interface to mailman's script #
my ($program) = $0 =~ m~.*/(.+)$~; sub usage { die "$program: $program list\\n@_.\n" } usage("Missing list address") unless @ARGV == 1; my ($local_part, $domain) = split '@', $ARGV[0]; usage ("Couldn't parse $ARGV[0] into a list address") unless $local_part and $domain; print "Fixing ${local_part}\@$domain...\n"; system qq{/usr/lib/mailman/bin/withlist -l -r fix_url $local_part -u $domain};