Montalbano ero

osfameron on 2006-05-10T07:39:29

Yesterday, I discovered on the RAI website, that the Italian state TV was showing Montalbano on Tuesdays at 9pm. This was hugely exciting as I'm a big fan of the series of books on the Sicilian detective, and it was Tuesday at 9:15. Italian TV tends to run later than its trains - unlike the UK where only events of extreme national importance such as war breaking out or snooker will make the TV run late, the baffling game show that came before continued for another 15 minutes. Disappointingly, when it started, I realized it was one of the few adaptations I'd already seen. Worse, it looks like they've already been running the series for 2 months and that was the last one. This will teach me to not check the TV guides on the basis that there is never anything on apart from Lost and Chi Vuole Essere Milionario... Riccardo suggests a handy teletext emulator

The good news, should I ever be connected in a situation other than a) at work, or b) over the end of a phone, is that 8 of the 12 episodes are available on raiclick. (if I can work out the user interface, which seems to contain lots of non-clickable links, and pdf catalogues).