Which J2ME phone

osfameron on 2006-05-07T07:46:11

I've noticed a few people on freenode #j2me ask "Which phone should I use to start Java development on?". The question slightly surprised me - I became interested in J2ME the first time I got a sufficiently interesting phone (SE P800 with touch sensitive screen) rather than the other way round. I've been wondering about the criteria, and thought of the following.

  • reasonable JVM (stability / speed)
  • does it support MIDP 2.0 ?
  • what are the tools provided
    • PC suite to browse and exchange files between PC and phone
    • emulators
  • and do they work on your platform (Nokia's PC suite doesn't on Linux for example)
  • bluetooth to connect and upload your midlets to the phone (because that seems to work, more or less)
  • type of phone (smartphone / PIM-like phone / UIQ device etc?)

<obperl>I see that Jarkko's Perl for Symbian project is still on hold with just the core language and no support for the phone GUI and feature APIs...</obperl>