Last night's social

osfameron on 2006-04-13T07:40:57

We met at Rose's, a cafe and sushi bar. As well as the usual suspects, larsen, me, Mattia, Piero, Simone (all from Dada), and dakkar (now working at, we were joined by some more dadaisti - Massimo, and Marco 2.0 - and some others: student Claudio, and Leonardo of it.discussioni.misteri fame.

Apart from a major ENOTUNA error, food and drink were pleasant, with several people trying sushi for the first time and a goodly number of shiny 2 litre cans of Asahi consumed. We discussed (among other things)

- how to cook sushi - the perils of sake on an empty stomach - how to get sysadmins to do things - INTERCAL - why kids these days don't study enough maths at Uni - Why (and whether) takes 2-20 minutes to open up - spending other people's money on overspecced servers - Jehovah's witnesses. In the rain. - ACT - How to get yourself on the banned words list of the Scientologists web browser - Why not all questions can be answered "Yes/No/Maybe". - Is that an African or a European "swallow" ? - Sharepoint - The Javascript sufferer's club - An unusual nervous tic on a table of great historic and cultural interest - Tuscany: it's all just hills and flood plains really. - Night shift - Do girls talk about politics on nights out? - Laws on database security - "Precarious" work - Daring maths - Tuscan dialect lesson: "Baccagliare" (Bajagliare)