
osfameron on 2006-03-09T00:26:15

Larsen, the evil overlord of compelled us (by an unholy mix of blackmail, bribery, and voodoo) to meet at James Pub, Florence, a Scottish-themed bar. We met Mattia "WxPerl" Barbon, Simone Piunno of Ferrara Lug, Piero of Firenze Lug, and, to prove that we are not just (No, not that dada, we had a special guest, dakkar, one of the masterminds of IPW. (Another, bepi was unable to come citing the hordes of women roaming the streets tonight).

We drank Belhaven Best and ate tasty foccacce, and chatted, as is customary of things other than Perl, such as haggis, svk, Irn Bru and the Scottish diet, the similarly fat-laden Modenese diet, Salama from Ferrara (take a raw salami, leave it 2 years. Er... profit!), the North/South divide in frying (Olive oil versus butter), why can't you milk a pig anyway?, Kikuya, Pisan studentesse, Firefly, ubuntu's silent sudo errors,, distributed hashtables, 20,000 Leagues under the sea and Nathan Never (in that order), Glaswegians Catalyst, wine, Wine, Italian publishers, DVI, and why it really is better than VGA, X11, lightning talks, Birmingham, a patch (literally) for last year's IPW Perl6 t-shirt, IGWiki, how to tell when it's stopped raining, how to be a cultural organization for fun and profit (case study: Sora Margherita), the O'Reilly user group program, is Italy going back to the Lira or should I be more wary of free newspapers?, il Vernacoliere and the eclectic reading habits of the patrons of Stratos in Castiglione. And of other plans for world domination so secret that if I were to write them here, I'd have to kill you. Sorry, them's the rules.