Get things done

osfameron on 2006-02-25T18:16:21

I have a problem getting things done. Over the last few years, I've progressed from a "paperwork is dull and hard, I'll leave it till the last possible moment to do it" to a progressive gnawing anxiety. Right now, I'm between 2 flats in different countries and I'm just not coping very well.

So I'm trying GTD. As the 3 English bookshops I tried didn't have it today, and it doesn't seem to have been translated into English, I've found a few resources online, and it doesn't seem overcomplicated. I still have to master what has become a fear of actually looking at paperwork - actually, the Mind Sweep going through everything is quite helpful. (It is possibly slightly unrepresentative, as I've been here for 4 months, and have another 8 or more years' accumulated crap to face when I get back to UK).

I don't have all the stationery, and the local Cartolerie close Saturday afternoon, so I don't even have the famous 43 folders for a tickler file (but I think that's probably something to add later). In fact I don't have any folders at all, just some multi-pocket folders, which seemed a bit inflexible for the task. So I've been loosely stuffing things in labeled envelopes and placing the lot in a Moulinex box, which was the right size but opened the wrong way. After hacking a hole in the top, I realized that it wasn't stable enough. As I had no staples, I had to improvise with some cable ties threaded through a hole drilled in the two loose sides of the box with a pair of scissors. In fact, I'm not sure what kind of folders to get. In one of the articles on he mentions not to use a particular type of hanging folder, but I don't get what he's suggesting as the alternative. Document Wallets? Or the completely loose folded over piece of card ones (I don't even really get what those are for).