How to revive a Perl Mongers group?

oneiron on 2003-08-12T09:16:53

Due to an unfortunate mixup, missed holidaying New York Perl Monger Ross Lonstein by 24 hours, the fleet-footed New Yorker already on the road to Melbourne. Only two mongers gorged at the Chinese Noodle restaurant, Shop 7/8 Quay St, Haymarket. After asking the only non-Chinese eater, "Erm, are you Ross Lonstein of New York City?", Stephen and I hatched our evil plan for reviving over a huge plate of spicy noodles, washed down with a Starbucks Caramel Macchiato (espresso coffee mixed with caramel syrup topped with foamed milk and yet more caramel syrup). Well, we discussed several possibilities, but don't really know what to do.

Any tips on reviving a Perl Mongers group? I heard Gabor gave a talk about the leading Perl Mongers groups at YAPC::Europe; does anyone have a reference to that talk? Who are the leading Perl Monger groups and why are they successful?

Successful PM Groups

davorg on 2003-08-12T09:52:14

This article might be useful.

Gabor's survey seemed to conclusively prove that was the biggest and the best :)

You can't "force" a group

merlyn on 2003-08-12T18:29:59 goes through fits and starts, so I'm familiar with this. It takes two things to keep a group going... a leader that will do it, and a regular meeting, even if it's just a social meeting, although it helps to have meetings with speakers, even on the smallest of topics ("things you can do with a hash!").

Melbourne PM

jarich on 2004-07-14T13:50:13

Melbourne PM is active and happy. It went very very quiet after Skud left and then we (pjf, me and Scott) decided to bring some life back into it.

My suggestions on bringing Sydney PM back to life are:

  • Start off with a social gathering for the first meeting - like going to a movie or cafe
  • Find somewhere to host the meeting that you can rely on for a while (contact me for a suggestion)
  • Update the website
  • Enthuse on the list for the whole month between the social gathering and the first official meeting about the first official meeting
  • Make sure you get promises from at least 5 people that they'll be at that meeting
  • Come up with a barrage of your own talks and try to get those 5 people to have some as well.
  • Run meeting with a bunch of talks (about 90 minutes worth) and then go to a restaurant/pub somewhere quietish for dinner afterwards.
  • Invite Damian to visit for a talk (for a later meeting). You could be lucky.
  • Soldier on. You and whoever you restart this with will probably do more talks than everyone else. Try to secure talks for next month before the end of the current month's meeting.
Well it worked for Melbourne PM, it could work for you.
