New Catalyst authentication plugins

nothingmuch on 2005-11-27T21:43:51

The new Catalyst authentication framework was released today! (note that the link might be broken - cpan mirroring is not behaving well recently... the pause incoming directory contains the files for now. As a last resort try downloading manually from but that requires PAUSE credentials)

This was a long awaited rewrite in the catalyst community. I'm glad to report that it's finally up!

The old plugins confused authorization with authentication, and other things. The details on the why part were posted previously.

The released plugins were Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication, Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::Htpasswd, Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Credential::TypeKey, Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::Roles and Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::ACL, with Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::DBIC expected shortly.