Debugging *hurts*

nkuitse on 2004-04-29T19:01:21

So my new distribution, Time-AutoRes, just failed a cpansmoke test:

Can't locate object method "export_to_level" via package "Time::HiRes" at /root/.cpanplus/5.8.0/build/Time-AutoRes-0.02/blib/lib/Time/ line 24.

The current version of Time::HiRes inherits this method from Exporter, so it would seem that I just need to change use Time::HiRes to use Time::HiRes m.n where m.n is the earliest version in which Time::HiRes inherited from Exporter.

Unfortunately, Time::HiRes has apparently always inherited from Exporter. And upon checking the test file in question (note to self: always a good first step), I see that the failing test relies on Time::HiRes not being found -- it uses Test::Without::Module to mimic a situation in which Time::HiRes is not installed. (That's the whole purpose of Time::AutoRes -- provide access to Time::HiRes::sleep et al. when Time::HiRes is available, and fall back to CORE::sleep et al. when it's not.)

So is the bug in Test::Without::Module, Time::AutoRes, Time::HiRes, or what? I'm confused!

Here's the relevant code from Time::AutoRes:

package Time::AutoRes;

use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS $use_hires);

$VERSION = 0.02;

@ISA = qw(Exporter); require Exporter;

BEGIN { eval 'require Time::HiRes'; $use_hires = not $@; if ($use_hires) { @EXPORT = @Time::HiRes::EXPORT; @EXPORT_OK = @Time::HiRes::EXPORT_OK; } else { @EXPORT = qw(); @EXPORT_OK = qw(sleep alarm usleep ualarm time); } }

sub import { if ($use_hires) { Time::HiRes->export_to_level(0, @Time::HiRes::EXPORT_OK); Time::HiRes->export_to_level(1, @_); } else { ... } ... }

How in the world do I approach fixing this when the test passes on my system (Perl 5.6.0 on Mac OS X)? Levels within levels... My brain hurts!