So, whilst we were test driving cars, we joined the A14 on a junction with a vile slip road, which I commented at the time reminded me of a horrible junction on the M6. Well, it turns out that the Internet knows the reason why J34 on the M6, particularly the slip road joining to the north, is so evil: uphill, wedging you straight onto a road where traffic is travelling at 70mph, without even a hard shoulder to abort onto...
The only road of any importance crossed by the By-pass is the A683, leading from Lancaster north-east-wards along the south side of the River Lune. The emergency services were based in the City and it was decided that a connection should be provided for their sole use, with the County Council agreeing to pay 25% of the cost. The design standards of this junction were lower than those of a normal interchange, with the carriageways of the slip roads separated only by double white lines. Subsequently, however, local representations were made for the junction to be opened for general use and this was eventually agreed. The result is a unique sub-standard interchange on a British motorway.