Devel::NYTProf for the win.

nicholas on 2009-06-05T09:57:24

So, with about 2 minutes investigation, Devel::NYTProf reveals that this will halve the time of my regression test for a work module:

use Memoize;
memoize 'Config::Any::plugins';

Sadly it won't work out for me whether that's the right thing to do, or whether there's a more correct fix to solve the real underlying problem.


grink on 2009-06-05T15:40:14

Hah, that's interesting

Yes, AFAIK Module::Pluggable doesn't cache its results, to each time you call ->plugins it will rescan the hierarchy

Usually people only load a config at startup once, so it's not typically a problem

In Config::Any:

{ my (@plugins, $loaded); sub plugins { return @plugins if $loaded; $loaded = 1; return @plugins = $finder->plugins } }


nicholas on 2009-06-07T21:39:07

Usually people only load a config at startup once, so it's not typically a problem

I am interested in startup times too, and we're using lots of little config files - hence this problem. I guess we're "special". :-)