bah humbug!

nicholas on 2008-12-17T10:27:47

My sister and I have just agreed not to exchange presents this year. Wishing you a merry "bah humbug" and a frugal new year. Poor economy. Beer sales down and now this. Plus, 2009 is not the best year for heresy - only 14 days for meetings.

We need more emergency socials! Quick, everyone! Take advantage of the tanking pound to come to nice cheap London and help us socialise.


aurum on 2008-12-17T13:00:30

Well I expect my every return from Zurich from February on to be grounds for an emergency social. Just saying.


nicholas on 2008-12-21T12:30:07

It's a good job your cat can't read, otherwise he'd be protesting about the amount this would eat out of his "quality time" during your visits to the UK. (And then, once he moves, "I'm here. Why do you want to be there, in a foreign country?"). Won't anyone ever think of the kittehs?