Blame Transfer Protocol initated

nicholas on 2008-11-11T19:57:08

Sp, Perl 5.8.9 Release Candidate 1 has escaped to CPAN. And yes, it works for my code, on FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE #7. [and maybe some other other operating systems]. Slaven has tested it on a lot of CPAN.


no-one has tested it on your work code. And if you don't, and there are regressions in RC1 that hurt your code, but you don't find out until after 5.8.9 is released, because you didn't test it now, then

  1. I don't suffer. You do.
  2. It's not my fault.

To quote:

11:48 <@lathos> You're either with rc1 or you're with the terrorists.

My thoughts exactly.

5.8.9 is the last one I'm doing. After this, Dave takes over, and (as in the linked announcement) he's not planning to do much on 5.8.x. 5.8.10 is likely to be build failures only - no bug fixes. 5.10 is where the action is.

And no, I'm not out of a job. No sooner have I managed to get rid of that one, than I get a new one.