Hell is other people

nicholas on 2008-11-02T19:22:15

Can you imagine what it would be like sitting in a Ryanair plane for 11 hours? Two is bad enough.

Also, how are they going to implement charging for the movies? Seat back slot machine entertainment units? What else will be extra, and how? I think right now they have to provide a seat for you in the price, but what's the betting that they're privately lobbing to make that an optional chargeable upgrade? :-)


JonathanWorthington on 2008-11-03T18:26:50

RyanAir is one of the two budget airlines flying out of my local airport. I've only used them once so far, though no doubt I'll be using them more in the future (in fact, already got my flight back to the UK to see family at Christmas with them). My only real memory of the flight was that the insides of the plane were muchly bright yellow...much too muchly.


nicholas on 2008-11-04T18:43:39

muchly bright yellow...much too muchly.

Yes, I noticed this, and it annoyed me. The best tactic seems to be to sit as near the front as possible, to reduce the yellow. Or to keep your eyes shut.

But it was only recently (I think actually, flying back from your local airport) that I realised what the yellow was. It's fast food "restaurant" décor. I'm sure that I read somewhere that fast food operations carefully choose the music, furniture, colour, etc. to encourage you to eat as quickly as possible, and leave as quickly as possible, to maximise their throughput. And that's exactly what the insides of Ryanair planes remind me of. So I'm assuming that they're optimised to get you to get off as quickly as possible. It's just that you have to suffer this subliminal "get off" message for the duration of the flight.

Not really 11 hours ...

perigrin on 2008-11-04T19:24:03

Of the cities I saw listed on some article about this, I think the worst case direct from Stanstead could actually weigh in at 5 hours of flight time, I think that would have been from Orlando (really Sandford). Granted 5 hours in a RyanAir flight is a horrible proposition, but if it means I can get to the UK for $12USD ... I might be willing to make that effort every so often.

Re:Not really 11 hours ...

ask on 2008-11-12T08:57:39

The article mentioned flying to Los Angeles (10.5-11.5 hours depending on the direction).