Fixing RedHat Perl

nicholas on 2008-08-26T19:26:16

Given that the fixes have been around since last November and RedHat are still unsure whether it's confusion between their left or right arse and their elbow that is getting in the way of fixing the problem, it strikes me that the most expedient solution to hastening the delivery of functional RPMs to their long suffering users would be to build some for them from released source, break into their master servers and simply sign some working RPMs. Job done.

Sliiiiiiiiiiight flaw in this otherwise cunning plan is that it's highly illegal. Probably in more than one jurisdiction at the same time. So I won't be doing it, and I'd recommend you don't do it either. Meanwhile RedHat are confident that no-one compromised the Fedora packages (unlike the admitted compromise of the RHEL 4 and 5 keys), and FC9 ships a pretty clean Perl 5.10.0 build, so you might want to swap to that. Or Ubuntu, whom as best I can remember haven't (yet) been broken into.