[Hello to all my fans in domestic surveillance]

nicholas on 2007-03-14T12:09:29

It's somewhat confusing. I write the odd ramble here. Rarely does anyone comment. So I assume that no-one reads it. Yet every so often someone else mentions that they read this blog. Oh, well. I doubt it will effect the ramble rate.

Easy recipe to get comments

rafael on 2007-03-14T12:17:26

Mention Dawkins ?

Re:Easy recipe to get comments

acme on 2007-03-14T14:20:27

I'm sorry!

Re:Easy recipe to get comments

nicholas on 2007-03-14T14:26:05

But I'm agnostic. Having an opinion about religion is against my religious beliefs. :-)

Re:Easy recipe to get comments

educated_foo on 2007-03-14T14:41:38

But you can advocate agnosticism with religious fervor!

Re:Easy recipe to get comments

drhyde on 2007-03-15T12:16:08

Or write an XML module.

Re:Easy recipe to get comments

Aristotle on 2007-03-15T16:12:21

That will only work once. :-P

Long time listener....first time caller

Limbic Region on 2007-03-14T12:28:13

I read almost every journal entry posted including yours. I think the most noteable exception is TorgoX. I don't typically reply because most comments to most journals would be "me too" or "that's interesting". When there are specific requests made in a post that I might be able to help with, I do.

Re:Long time listener....first time caller

nicholas on 2007-03-14T14:24:37

I miss broquaint's journal. Well, to be pedantically correct, as it's clearly still there, I guess I miss the fact that it used to get longer.

Go on writing

ferreira on 2007-03-14T12:53:51

So I assume that no-one reads it.

If you assume that, you're wrong.

Rarely does anyone comment.

Maybe you're raising a too high rate of introspective reflection with the stuff you mentioned. And people here are so reserved they keep these intimate thoughts for themselves ;-)

Readers vs commenters

Aristotle on 2007-03-14T17:11:02

Getting comments is always rare. You get more when you generate controversy or post technical inquiries that many people have something to say about. Otherwise, assume that for every one person leaving a comment, there are at least another 10 who read silently. The ratio is probably higher, in fact.

Personally, I see every single entry and comment posted to the journals here, by way of the newsfeeds. (I don’t read them all, but I still see them before deciding to skip.)

The underground agents are watching

speters on 2007-03-15T01:37:38

Please bury your deposit in the back garden for further responses.

Re: watching

jjore on 2007-03-15T02:51:38

Clearly I'm not watching.


Alias on 2007-03-15T06:33:48

You do a ton of hacking on Perl's internals.

That alone makes me keep an eye on what you say.

Plus, well, there's the news feed for use.perl.

Come to think of it, pretty much everyone that has moved away from use.perl I don't read their journals any more.


jdavidb on 2007-03-15T12:38:48

Come to think of it, pretty much everyone that has moved away from use.perl I don't read their journals any more.

Yeah, I grab those people only in passing, infrequently, though now that I'm playing so much with Google Reader I might go out and subscribe. To me the unified forum community system was always more attractive than a bunch of scattered blogs.


rjbs on 2007-03-15T15:39:28

Come to think of it, pretty much everyone that has moved away from use.perl I don't read their journals any more.

Yeah, that's precisely why I "syndicate" my journal, which I consider to really live in Rubric at rjbs.manxome.org. I get many more interesting people reading and commenting on it, here, and it's led to a few nice contacts, like people saying, "Hey, you're a Perl hacker in the Lehigh Valley? When's beer?"