Me, my sister and my niece, Erin, were all round at my parents' this afternoon. The funniest moment was when one of my parent's cats came from the garden into the kitchen. There was this loud "eh" sound from outside, the cat scarpered into the hall, and then Erin appeared from outside, crawling as fast as she could. She continued in top gear after the cat, with all four of us walking in line after her, slowly, like some quarter speed Benny Hill chase.
The cat went upstairs, and we all followed, still in line behind Erin. Smart move by the cat, as Erin's top speed drops dramatically when climbing the stairs, which allowed the cat to give her the slip. Poor Erin was confronted by four open doors at the top of the stairs, and no idea which way the cat had gone. Erin picked the wrong door (parents' bedroom), and the cat took advantage of this to go back downstairs and leave the house.