On Sunday night I met the (well, maybe a) hedgehog again. This time I think I startled it, as there was a rapid rustling in the leaves on my left as I walked along the pavement, and then I spotted a small pulsating pin-cushion in the garden of number 107. After watching it for a few minutes, sitting on 109's wall, it pulsated a bit more rapidly, then slowed down, then a nose appeared and it wandered deper into 107's front garden.
Tonight I learn that yesterday Rocket was delighted to discover a hedgehog in his back garden. In the short term my parents weren't totally sharing his delight, as they were getting rather fed up of his repeated insistent demands to go into the garden to check if it was still there. There is no sign tonight, but my father hopes that it has decided that his bonfire heap is a nice hedgehog friendly place to take up residence, as he likes anything that eats slugs and snails. Fear not - there won't be roast hedgehog on November 5th, as the bonfire heap gets moved piecemeal somewhere else to be burned.