fibonacci numbers

niceperl on 2008-09-13T09:53:40

I wrote a small script in Perl to calc the N first terms of Fibonacci serie:

#-- fibo script

sub fibo { return 1 if( $_[0] < 2 ) ; return fibo($_[0]-1) + fibo($_[0]-2); }

for($i=0; $i<=40; $i++) { $f = fibo($i); print "$i : $f\n"; }

#-- eof

I tried to calc the first 40 numbers, it tooks in my PC about 16 minutes. I weren't worried about writting a fast algoritm, just curious about the performance of a recursive call algorithm.

A friend of me, advertised me that the similar Java version code, ran fast, so I tried:

// Java fibonnaci class

class fibo {

public static long calc(long x) { if( x < 2 ) return 1; return calc(x-1) + calc(x-2); }

public static void main(String s[]) { for(int i=0; i<=40; i++) { System.out.println(i + " : " + calc(i)); } } } // EOF Java fibonnaci class

---------------------------- The results (40 terms calc): 1) Perl: 16 minutes 2) Java: 16 seconds (!)

I'm sure that Java does some kind of optimization at the Virtual Machine. I hope that Parrot team will be able to make a very fast virtual machine...


mattk on 2008-09-13T10:05:06

Computing the Fibonacci sequence is the canonical example for MJD's Memoize, which is a core module as of 5.8.


niceperl on 2008-09-13T13:51:53

I'm not looking for a cache model like memoize. I only want to focus on the time taken by each program (Java, Perl) with a similar original code. I think Java does some kind of memoize at low level, doesn't it?


Aristotle on 2008-09-13T15:04:28

No. It just has fundamentally different execution model.


niceperl on 2008-09-13T20:18:34

Please, explain what you want to say


btilly on 2008-09-13T22:20:47

Java will look for heavily used sections of code, aggressively optimize them, and rewrite in machine code. That is the reason for the performance difference.


jtrammell on 2008-09-13T12:46:39

It's also the classic example (it's in SICP) of how a bad algorithm choice can get really slow really fast.