Science News

n1vux on 2005-03-02T15:55:32

Carbon-Dating Clock Reset
"New data will help anthropologists discover the true age of 26,000-year-old fossils, setting the stage for better understanding of Earth's past."
- Range of dates available pushed back from 21KYBP to 26KYBP. - Wired
Penrose: The Answer's Not 42
One of the world's greatest physicists, Roger Penrose, publishes a new book taking on the grand unifying "theory of everything."
- Interesting blurb, as it appears Penrose is debunking the grand rush for a grand unified TOE.
- Wired; Boston appearance, NYT Sunday Book Review, Axis of Logic.

Leaking Gravity may explain acceleration without invoking "Dark Energy" or other epicyclic "cosmic constant" variables
"Scientists may not have to go over to the dark side to explain the fate of the universe."
- (*groan*) In over-simplification, the extra dimentions of space, albeit small ones, that are implied by string theory may provide the extra volume required for gravity to degrade faster than R^-2. Leftover hardware from Apollo mission on Moon may provide a suitable experimental base to test this prediction.
- NYU, via, and, New Scientist

The Biggest Splash of Light From Outside the Solar System
A "magnetar" and the VLA. - NASA & UK, via AIP Physics News Update