Science News - Solar Flare and CME

n1vux on 2005-01-16T22:21:12

X-Class flare, CME -- Geomagnetic storm and possible Aurora to follow?
"AURORA ALERT: Two coronal mass ejections (movies: #1, #2) are heading toward Earth and they could spark strong auroras when they arrive on January 16th and 17th. These clouds were blasted into space by M8- and X2-class explosions above giant sunspot 720 on Jan. 15th."
- via Ontario DXA and NASA Space Environment Center.
Other good SpaceWeather sites include Australian Space Weather Agency, NASA SEC-SEL Aurora map, SEC-SEL warning timeline, Aurora Visibility Prediction, and Canadian Real-Time Auroral Oval.

Too bad about aurora possibility, we're getting ocean-effect snow here, so I don't think I'll see it tonight. Maybe tomorrow night?