now back to where I was at the end of the Reposithon

mugwumpjism on 2007-08-20T12:58:37

Ok, so with a bit more work, I've managed to get a full 169 more commits out of the 5.003_08 -> 5.004 series. I'm proud of it as a loving restoration of the history of the period, a tribute to the work that went into this quality Perl release. Perhaps 50% of the changes are attributed and applied separately, including countless patches mined from the Perl 5 porters archives.

Here are the updated sections of THE RECORDS with the new commit totals:

Com-    Pump-  Release         Date            Notes
mits    king                                   (by no means
                                                see Changes*
                                                for details)
986     Chip     5.003_08      1996-Nov-19
                 5.003_09      1996-Nov-26
                 5.003_10      1996-Nov-29
                 5.003_11      1996-Dec-06
                 5.003_12      1996-Dec-19
                 5.003_13      1996-Dec-20
1092             5.003_14      1996-Dec-23
                 5.003_15      1996-Dec-23
                 5.003_16      1996-Dec-24
                 5.003_17      1996-Dec-27
                 5.003_18      1996-Dec-31
                 5.003_19      1997-Jan-04
                 5.003_20      1997-Jan-07
                 5.003_21      1997-Jan-15
                 5.003_22      1997-Jan-16
                 5.003_23      1997-Jan-25
                 5.003_24      1997-Jan-29
                 5.003_25      1997-Feb-04
                 5.003_26      1997-Feb-10
                 5.003_27      1997-Feb-18
1349             5.003_28      1997-Feb-21
                 5.003_90      1997-Feb-25     Ramping up to the 5.004 release.
                 5.003_91      1997-Mar-01
                 5.003_92      1997-Mar-06
                 5.003_93      1997-Mar-10
                 5.003_94      1997-Mar-22
                 5.003_95      1997-Mar-25
                 5.003_96      1997-Apr-01
1596             5.003_97      1997-Apr-03     Fairly widely used.
                 5.003_97a     1997-Apr-05
                 5.003_97b     1997-Apr-08
                 5.003_97c     1997-Apr-10
                 5.003_97d     1997-Apr-13
                 5.003_97e     1997-Apr-15
                 5.003_97f     1997-Apr-17
                 5.003_97g     1997-Apr-18
                 5.003_97h     1997-Apr-24
                 5.003_97i     1997-Apr-25
                 5.003_97j     1997-Apr-28
1750             5.003_98      1997-Apr-30
                 5.003_99      1997-May-01
                 5.003_99a     1997-May-09
                 p54rc1        1997-May-12     Release Candidates.
                 p54rc2        1997-May-14

1812    Chip    5.004          1997-May-15     A major maintenance release.

Next mission: lather, rinse, repeat, but with Tim Bunce's 5.004_* so-called 'maintenance' releases.

Exercise: download this 8MB pack file, then see if you can find the 1812 commits within. Start with git index-pack