A new Tangram

mugwumpjism on 2005-08-16T14:10:23

In July 2003 I released Tangram 2.05, and today I released Tangram 2.08_02 as a pre-release for 2.09 - and while reflecting on the vast amount of energy that has gone into it over the last two and a bit years, decided that POD format Changelogs are a groovy way to show it, baby, yeah!

I have recently been working with Andres Kievsky to make a the refactored branch will become 2.10. This version will be nothing over 2.09 except a detangling of the original Tangram source code. Kudos to Kao Chia and the SVK crew for writing such an excellent source tracking system that has made this an easy thing to manage.

By the way, I hope you've put something in for Chip at GeeksUnite.net. He's taking one for the team, so reach deep people... there's not exactly a well organised Perl Hacker's Union!

...when it costs too much to build it at home,
you just build some place else cheaper instead...

-- from "Sundown on the Union", Bob Dylan