Module::CoreList needs more publicity

mr_bean on 2007-01-22T10:26:34

I couldn't remember the name of Module::CoreList, the module that tells you in which version modules in core made it into the core. I thought it was CoreVersion, but searching for core and coreversion and version on cpan didn't turn it up.

[Actually going back, now I find it's between 300-400 of the 1456 modules CPAN search returns for 'core'. But that's too far at the back. I didn't find it, anyway. I was turned off by Lingua::Stem, README.hpux, Chemistry::Atom in the list before it. All good modules, probably, but not at this moment.]

Googling on 'perl how tell what version core module dual life cpan made' also didn't turn it up.

I hope this message will make it easier for me when I'm looking for it next time. Easier because either Google finds it, or I remember I posted here about it.

I asked on freenode's #perl and someone gave me the answer straight away. Buubot there also answers questions of the form 'core:Module::CoreList'

You can use Module::CoreList this way to find when it made its own way into the core.

perl -MModule::CoreList -e "print Module::CoreList->first_release('Module::CoreList')"

Why do I want to know? I want to know how much I may require a user to install by using certain modules.

But perhaps there is a more extensive way to answer such questions.


domm on 2007-01-22T11:46:29

Or use the corelist programm that comes with Module::CoreList:

~$ corelist Module::CoreList

Module::CoreList  was first released with perl 5.009002


ferreira on 2007-01-22T12:28:56

And don't you forget corelist accepts regexes as well (since 2.05):

$ corelist /^Time/i

Time::HiRes  was first released with perl 5.007003

Time::Local  was first released with perl 5

Time::gmtime  was first released with perl 5.004

Time::localtime  was first released with perl 5.004

Time::tm  was first released with perl 5.004

Any irc bot can reply to corelist questions...

BooK on 2007-01-22T19:03:47

<plug type="shameless">

Any irc bot based on Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable can answer your corelist requests, thanks to Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable::Module::CoreList.


There's one on the canonical #perl on MagNET, by the way.

CoreList = useful module with terrible name

doom on 2008-05-08T14:29:30

I was just bitten the same way. I've used this several times now, and couldn't remember the name "CoreList" to save my life, and the search listing on cpan was worthless. I eventually did a "man -k Module" on my box, and carefully read through the list.

It just goes to show that names are important, particularly with CPAN, which essentially has no other way of navigating.