Takahashi on perl and Ruby

mr_bean on 2006-06-14T15:13:53

Masayoshi Takahashi seems to be another perl humorist.

Actually, judging from his presentation at YAPC::Asia::2006


he is a ruby humorist, rather than a perl one.

In the slides, he says Ruby, like perl is TIMTOWTDI, but rather than leaving the choices up to the programmer, it encourages one option rather than the other, eg the optional semicolon at the end of lines naturally starts to seem noisy and you are 'forced/encouraged' to omit it.

On the one hand, you write the way you like, but on the other hand, you are also 'brainwashed' to like the way you can write.

So perl is for the superhacker who loves options, but ruby is for the ordinary, lazy (but not lazy enough) programmer and it changes the way they think.

So Ruby is a dangerous language, he concludes. You come to think I am so cool, and this feeling of power is without basis. So he says, don't use it yourself, recommend it to everyone else.

I guess it is tongue-in-cheek. The Japanese audience laughed a lot.
