Perhaps it isn't inactive. There were 70 messages there since Monday and it's now Sunday.
Perhaps all the popular modules have their own mailing lists or other forums.
Meaning by definition, there won't be many messages.
But even some well-known modules like ingy's don't have forums. In particular, cpanforum didn't spring to mind, when I wanted to post something about Test::Base somewhere.
Perhaps I should have sent it to
an open invitation
mr_bean on 2006-03-28T00:03:39
Perhaps it's like a standing or open invitation directed at anyone and everyone. For you, as a user of this particular module, we offer here the opportunity to develop a community, whether you want to or not.
So, yes it is a 'solution looking for a problem'. But perhaps that solution, ie 'the solution looking for a problem,' is not the right solution.
What is the solution? What is the solution? What is the problem?
Perhaps YAGNI is a problem? Or is YAGNI NOT a problem?
The offer of space for a community does not mean a community will develop.
It would be interesting to find out if communities have developed there, or if it is helping in other ways. I guess that would mean searching through the archive of messages.
One problem is authors who are absent, or who don't see themselves as a help desk for helpless coders.
That is I guess the problem is helpless coders.