mpeters on 2010-02-11T15:35:07

I'm trying to like the new site but every time I try to use it something goes wrong. Every time I try to comment on a post I get this strange error message (It's happened to me every day for at least a week. I decided to ignore the first few times since all sites have problems and it is still beta, but I guess I just got too annoyed today):

Comment Submission Error

Your comment submission failed for the following reasons: Text entered was wrong. Try again.

Really? My text was wrong? Do tell, how could it have been made "right".
Not only is this error message completely unhelpful, but it takes me to a separate page where I have to click my browser's back button to try again. Really? That's so 90's.
I've tried clearing out any cookies that might be bad for some reason; I've tried changing my content, my name, my url, etc. Nothing seems to work. Anyone know what's going on or have a clue as to how I can fix this?

me too

daxim on 2010-02-11T15:56:23

Re:me too

mpeters on 2010-02-11T18:30:01

Thanks for pointing that out. I've commented that I'm experiencing the same thing on both of the bug tickets you guys posted.

sarcasm ..

thickas on 2010-02-12T06:46:39

why not add it to the error message - it's way cool to know that it's a tracked "issue".

I know

masak on 2010-02-11T16:04:10

I had the same experience, submitted a bug report, and got a reply, so I happen to know what's going on.

I also hope this is fixed soon. The error message is slightly offensive in an unfortunate way. :-/

no comment for you

xsawyerx on 2010-02-13T13:26:11

come back one year!