Obligatory giving of Thanks!

mpeters on 2009-11-26T19:17:19

I'm currently waiting for the turkey and stuffing to cook and am feeling really grateful for lots of things, so I thought I'd share some of my programming gratitude here. In no particular order, I'm thankful for:

  • Mark Stosberg -

    Not only is he the driving force behind the CGI::App community but he's also great at helping out with important modules that have fallen a little stale (CGI.pm, CGI::Session, Data::FormValidator). He's also been a patient follower and contributor to my Smolder project.

  • Brad Oaks -

    Not a CPAN contributor, but the main organizing effort behind Raleigh.pm and a fellow co-worker. Our technical meetings are good geekery and our social meetings are pretty fun too. Not all of us programmers are good at organizing social things, so I'm glad that he is. Not only is he a good sounding board for my ideas at work but he makes me think of things that I didn't see on my own.

  • Ricardo Signes -

    Great speaker, prolific module author and very funny guy. I've had the privilege of hanging out with him at lots of YAPCs and a couple Perl QA Workshops and it's always a blast. His willingness to delve into the abyss that is Email and make it sane (or saner) for the rest of us is enough to earn him permanent Perl sainthood.

  • Perrin Harkins - mod_perl guru and former co-worker, I really learned a lot from him about architecture, code structure, maintenance and a million other things. He's usually playing with lots of different new toys and sharing all his benchmarks and comparisons so the rest of us can make better decisions.

  • Jim Brandt - Current President of the Perl Foundation which means he has the hardest thankless job which everybody takes for granted in the Perl community. It's amazing how much gets done in a completely volunteer effort like the TPF and we should all be grateful for his work (and those of past presidents like Allison Randall and Richard Dice).

I know I've left lots of people off this list, but the turkey needs basting, so I'll leave the rest of the thanks to other people.


rjbs on 2009-12-02T15:10:39

I've had this page open in a tab for days now, and I keep meaning to decide whether I should reply with anything more than "Aw, shucks!" but since I can't think of anything much to say, I'll stick to that. It's always great to see you around and I hope to split a burger with you again in 2010. I feel that way about almost the whole community, which is great. It's like my job came with a built-in community of friends, potential friend, and support group members. I hope it stays that way until I retire and afterward!