
mpeters on 2009-03-29T13:45:57

TAP Archives are nice little packages of your test run that contain all the different TAP streams as well as test suite metadata. It's an easy way to store the results of a test run and then analyze them later. This is what Smolder uses but it's not specific to Smolder.

While it's easy to use TAP::Harness::Archive yourself to create your own harness it's kind of overblown for small projects. prove -a works, but sometimes you really want it as part of your standard perl Build.PL && ./Build test style of work.

Enter Module::Build::TAPArchive. Just use it instead of Module::Build in your Build.PL and then you can do

perl Build.PL && ./Build test_archive

It's not doing anything really difficult behind the scenes, it should just make life a little easier for anyone who wants to play with TAP archives.