That's it, I'm tired of Perl

mpeters on 2006-04-01T14:22:40

So I'm switching to Ruby. Not only does it have cooler videos but when have you ever seen a Perl programmer with a glamour shot in Wired magazine. Perl is a dead-end language (the PHP croud has been saying that for years and their language is awesome!) and the only way I'm going to get noticed is if I switch to Ruby, but not just plain ol' Ruby. My career will be On Rails!
Look out Wired Magazine, I'm way hotter than David Hansson.

You might want to try PERL first

Phred on 2006-04-01T20:20:11

You might want to try PERL first before you go to one of those other languages. I quote - "Bring the power of PERL programming to your Perl programs.". Why abandon the stuff you've built for Ruby when you can extend it using PERL?

You don't have to worry about nuances such as strictures or warnings. I get so tired of typing out those particular pragmas at the beginning of _every_ program I write anyway, who needs them?