Brainstorming about brainstorming

mothra on 2002-06-11T12:49:25

Well, it looks like I'll get an account on penderel (the box) so I can hack it up from anywhere (that allows ssh'ing out), any time (that won't cost me £4/hour to do it).

So now I've begun to think about how to be lazy when travelling. Perhaps a module that allows you to build interfaces to hostel booking search engines...Travel::Hostel? At this point, I'm not sure what this would buy over just using this, but you never know.

Perhaps a blog system (or extensions to an existing one) that suppports bloggers on the move (perhaps a plugin that puts a map into each post, and can optionally show the route you've been taking thus far, or just a dot indicating current location at the time of writing the post).