The Email::* modules are quite useful. I wanted to merge a couple of mboxes together and put the result in date received order. It turned out to be dead simple with the Email modules.
#!perl -w
use strict;
use Email::Simple;
use Email::Folder;
use Email::Date;
use Email::LocalDelivery;
use Getopt::Long;
# valid options are --first_mbox --second_mbox --out_mbox
my ($first, $second, $out);
unless(GetOptions('first_mbox=s' => \$first,
'second_mbox=s' => \$second,
'out_mbox=s' => \$out,
)) {
die("Error with GetOptions: $!\n");
my $first_mbox = Email::Folder->new($first);
my $second_mbox = Email::Folder->new($second);
my @mail;
push(@mail, $first_mbox->messages(), $second_mbox->messages());
@mail = sort {
my $date_a = find_date($a);
my $date_b = find_date($b);
$date_a->epoch <=> $date_b->epoch;
} @mail;
foreach my $msg (@mail) {
my @delivered_to = Email::LocalDelivery->deliver($msg->as_string, $out);