Hawaii, where YAPC::Asia, YAPC::NA and OSDC.au can meet

miyagawa on 2008-07-03T20:01:10

Sorry, I just couldn't resist :)

Hawaii has a problem

wirebird on 2008-07-03T21:40:53

To holders of corporate purse strings, s/hawaii/boondoggle/gi.

I'm somehow thinking Iceland isn't going to trigger that response.

Re:Hawaii has a problem

rjbs on 2008-07-05T13:56:40

I'm not sure that's true. Lots of conventions are held in vacation spots like Hawaii, the Caribbean, Las Vegas, etc.

Re:Hawaii has a problem

vek on 2008-07-07T21:30:16

I'm not so sure. I'm in the US and it will cost me $2000+ to fly to Iceland. Compare that to $700+ for Hawaii. I know which one my corporate purse string holders would prefer I pick ;-)

That would be much easier than all the way across

brian_d_foy on 2008-07-04T03:24:54

Yeah, let's plan for something in Hawaii. :)