YAPC::Asia has become huge. This year we've got 550 registrations and I think this is one of the biggest YAPCs ever.
However, our organization team has been getting smaller year by year, maybe because we knew we can do this. I live in San Francisco, USA and remotely organize the conference for this 2 years, just like any other project managers do for a project. That means, the real tough work has been done by our staff in Tokyo (I think it's too early to name and thank them since the conference has not even started)
That said, I'd like to hand off this conference to someone else, since I don't have a plan to get back to Japan anytime soon.
We're looking for the organizers for YAPC::Asia 2009. It could be any other individuals or preferrably Perl Mongers group in Asia. We've been writing things down what's needed to run this conference and already started writing Post-Mortem document so that this conference could be even better next year. I could still help configuring Act site, doing public relations to guests (if needed) etc. that I can still do remotely.
Drop me an email (miyagawa at gmail.com) if you're interested. Hopefully we can announce in the closing ceremony in this YAPC::Asia (May 15-16), and people will stop asking me about "When and where is YAPC::Asia 2009?" :)