Web::Scraper with filters, and thought about Text filters

miyagawa on 2007-10-04T08:20:33

A developer release of Web::Scraper is pushed to CPAN, with "filters" support. Let me explain how this filters stuff is useful for a bit.

Since an early version, Web::Scraper has been having a callback mechanism which is pretty neat, so you can extract "data" out of HTML, not limited to the string.

For instance, if you have an HTML


you can get the DateTime object that the string represents, like:

  process ".entry-date", "date" => sub {

and with 'filters' you can make this reusable and stackable, like:

package Web::Scraper::Filter::W3CDTFDate;
use base qw( Web::Scraper::Filter );
use DateTime::Format::W3CDTF;

sub filter { DateTime::Format::W3CDTF->parse_string($_[1]); } 1;

and then:

  process ".entry-date", date => [ 'TEXT', 'W3CDTFDate' ];

If the .entry-date text contains errorneous spaces, you can do:

  process ".entry-date", date => [ 'TEXT', sub { s/^ *| *$//g }, 'W3CDTFDate' ];

This explains how powerful this Web::Scraper filter mechanism could be. It's stackable, extensible, reusable (by making it a module) and also scriptable with inline callbacks.

So the next step would be to add bunch of Web::Scraper::Filter::* modules. I think I'll create a separate distribution Web::Scraper::Filters and give everyone a commit access so you can add your own text filters that you can share.

However I have another, more ideal solution in my mind.

The problem is: there are already lots of text filters on CPAN. URI::Escape, HTML::Entities, MIME::Base64, Crypt::CBC, LOLCatz, Kwiki::Formatter... name a few.

And there are also text processing framework that has filter mechanism: Template-Toolkit, Web::Scraper, Plagger, Kwiki, Test::Base ... name a few. Obviously the combination of a new text filter engine and these text processing system goes exponential.

For instance, TT has gadzillion of Template::Filter plugins on CPAN that are only useful for TT. If you want to use that text filter in other text processing system (e.g. Web::Scraper, Kwiki, Plagger etc.), you need to port, or in other words, write an adapter interface for each individual text filter engine.

Doesn't this suck?

I want a common Text filter API that can take input as a string, and return output also as a string. For complex filters like wiki-to-text engine, this might better have a configuration option.

use Text::Filter::Common;
my $filter = Text::Filter::Common->new($name, $config);
my $output = $filter->filter($input, $option);

So Text::Filter::Common is a factory module and each text filter is a subclass of Text::Filter::Common::Base or something and implements filter function that probably takes $self->config to configure the filter object.

Then we can write an adapter interface for existent text filter mechanisms like Web::Scraper or Tempalte::Toolkit, and we can avoid the duplicated efforts to re-port one text filters to bunch of different modules.

Looks like Text::Filter namespace is taken and even though it seems close to what I want it to do, but it supports both read/write and that's more than what I want.
