Six Apart is looking for a Vox developer

miyagawa on 2007-05-15T22:05:48

My employer Six Apart, which is a really cool company and a fun place to work, is now looking for a full-time, on-site (San Francisco, CA) software engineer for our newest blogging platform Vox (

Required skills are: excellent Perl, Database (MySQL) and preferrably some UI skills like JavaScript and HTML. If you're familiar with webapp frameworks like Catalyst, and ORMs like D::OD, DBIx::Class and Class::DBI, that'd be a plus.

If you're interested, email me miyagawa[at] or /msg me miyagawa on


TeeJay on 2007-05-17T14:47:36

Is it on or posted to the jobs list?

Also is it telecommute or on-site?


miyagawa on 2007-05-17T16:02:54

I think it's posted on as well, but that doesn't give me referral bonus, and I'd trust people watching my journal than other people :)

And, no telecommute. Sorry for people in UK.